
The 3rd collaboration works

2004.4.19. - 2004.5.8, I and Mr. Noda have had a show of our collaboration's works at Gallery Yamaguchi and Gallery Tokyo Humanite in Tokyo.
I need not to write hear the difficulty of collaboration's work.
We started to make the system before started to work collaboration, the system is I make sculpture at first and split sculpture's shape, then I delivered it to Noda's studio. He drew a picture on a part of sculpture. We can't see and understand each other final shape of work before setting at the gallery.

Finally, I felt something difference between my first images and the final shapes at the gallery. There is something missing the sculpture's dynamism or energy. Because, there are too well-matching, the all shape and all drawings were a kind of too harmonic.
I analyzed there is the only one reason. I delivered some sheets of photo of the shape of sculpture before splitting him with the parts of stone. I had to be complete to follow the first system and concept.

at the Gallery Tokyo Humanite works in Humanite
at the Gallery Yamaguchi collabo work